Our guest speakers a few weeks ago were David Funnell and Michael Lee from the Camden Mens’ Shed. In the intro duction, Rob Elliott described these gentlemen as passionate and that was certainly the case with the presentation that followed. Starting in 2008, with only 4 members, the group has expanded to 49 paid up members and 12 social members. The annual membership fee of $50 is almost entirely used to pay into a national Men’s Shed Insurance policy which is very important when using a wide range of equipment. During the presentation, the history of finding a permanent home was outlined with exciting plans to erect the new shed on land in the Carrington zone. Once constructed, managing logistics and that includes on-costs such as energy, will be a major project. Michael and David outlined the proposal to install a 25 kw Solar Array system to alleviate energy costs and with community support, the target of $17,000 should be an achievable project. The objectives of the Mens’ Shed is to support community, provide workshops for hands-on projects and also be at present to support mental health to highlight just three. With more Men’s Sheds than McDonalds in Australia, it does illustrate the presence of an important community organisation across Camden and Australia.